Creative Powerhouse Your Ultimate Graphic Design Workstation

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Welcome to our blog where we dive deep into the world of high-performance computing tailored for graphic design professionals. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce the powerhouse that is the Cinema 4D C4D Computer, designed to elevate your creative workflow to new heights.

Product Overview

The Cinema 4D C4D Computer is a cutting-edge desktop workstation meticulously crafted for graphic design power users. With its advanced specs and superior performance, this workstation is a game-changer for artists, animators, and 3D modelers.

Featuring a sleek black design, the Cinema 4D C4D Computer comes equipped with 64GB RAM, a massive 3TB storage, and Windows 11 Home edition. Say goodbye to lag and hello to seamless rendering and multitasking.



Basic Info: Graphics Workstation PC
Features: 64GB RAM, 3TB Storage
Price: ₩5,554,000
Delivery: Standard Shipping

Key Features and Benefits

Exceptional Performance: The Cinema 4D C4D Computer is optimized for resource-intensive tasks, ensuring lightning-fast processing speeds and efficient multitasking capabilities.

Impressive Storage: With a spacious 3TB storage capacity, you can store all your projects, multimedia files, and software without worrying about running out of space.


Q: Is this workstation compatible with popular design software like Maya and Blender?

A: Yes, the Cinema 4D C4D Computer is fully compatible with a wide range of graphic design software, including Maya, Blender, Rhino, and more.

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Product Image
시네마 4D C4D 컴퓨터 3d max 마야 라이노 스케치업PC 블렌더 그래픽 작업용 초고사양 데스크탑 컴퓨터, WIN11 Home, 64GB, 3TB, 블랙, 그래픽작업PC
5,554,000원 ★★★★★
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삼성 컴퓨터 본체 조립PC 모니터포함 풀세트 사무용 게이밍 데스크탑 윈도우10
289,000원 ★★★★★
Product Image
삼성 컴퓨터 본체 사무용 가정용 게임용 데스크탑 HDMI지원 윈도우10
189,000원 ★★★★★
Product Image
PC온스튜디오 게이밍 컴퓨터 조립PC 게임용 데스크탑 본체
510,000원 ★★★★★
Product Image
컴퓨터본체 윈도우11 DB400S8 8세대 I5 8500 16G SSD 512 사무용 게임용 주식용 HDMI, 16GB
295,000원 ★★★★★


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